Basic of Marketing and Its type for beginners
Basic Of Marketing And Its Type For Beginners
Now we learn about the marketing concept and its types and important in today world. I hope this blog is useful for a beginner’s level.
What is Marketing:
Marketing is nothing but an action of promoting and selling of products and services using marketing research and advertising.
In Marketing there is 4 type of p:
1. Price
2. Product
3. Place
4. Promotion
Types of Marketing:
There are two types of Marketing
1. Traditional Marketing
2. Digital Marketing
1. Traditional Marketing:
It is nothing but a type of promotion of product and services which has been used by peoples for many years.
Examples of Traditional Marketing:
1. Postcards,brochures,letters.
2. Newspapers and magazines
3. Broadcast media like television and radios
Advantages of Traditional Marketing:
1. Reaching only local audience.
2. Hard copy materials and data stored easily
3. Easy to understand
Disadvantages of Traditional Marketing
1. Little interactions between the medium used and customers.
2. Advertising using this technology is very costly
3. The result of this marketing or ROI we cannot easily measure.
2. Digital Marketing:
It is a nothing but marketing and promotions of products and services using the digital media.
Its also called internet marketing or online marketing.
Examples of Digital Marketing
1. Search engine marketing
2. Social media marketing
3. Email marketing
4. Content marketing
5. Search engine optimization.
6. Affiliate marketing
Advantages of Digital Marketing
1. Roi can easily measure from this marketing technology
2. Reach the audience according to our needs
3. Real-time tracking possible
4. Cost effective and easy method
5. Interaction with our customers easily
6. We can develop our brand
Disadvantages of Digital Marketing
It takes time to measure success.
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